Friday, December 9, 2016

How You Can Earn Commissions From THIS system!

How You Can Earn Commissions From THIS System!

Here I explain the complete Yellow Brick Road system and the Multiple 
Income streams inside.

Exitus is the Profit Maximizer in this system and allows you to earn higher commissions while
educating yourself and others with online marketing

Exitus Advanced and Exitus Elite I use as my main business and The yellow brick road allows me to tie this into a simple funnel for easy conversions..

As an online marketer, multiple streams of income are important.  The best part about The Yellow Brick road is that all of the streams of income are gathered together in one simple funnel to work together..

1  Future Ad pro is your Traffic Generator and Advertising platform
$10 or $50 ad packs. (very reasonable prices)

2. The Power Lead System is your marketing system that holds is all together
Start a 7 day FREE trial Today!

3. Exitus Advanced and Exitus Elite is your education and your profit maximizer where you can earn 1k commissions per sale.

Membership fee is $99 quarterly or $299 per year
Join Today for $100 to allow $100 commissions direct to your bank
Join $1,000 to earn 1k per sale per day and join Black ops millionaire Mentoring.

All of these work hand in hand as One simple funnel called The Yellow Brick Road.

I have seen great success with The Yellow Brick Road along with The profit Maximizer... 

See Results below .....

This was my very first week of using The Yellow Brick Road 3.0... If I can do this.. You can too!!

Connect with me and I will take you under my wing and show you how the system works
and what to do to see results like this...

Lets get you started with The Yellow Brick Road!

See you on the other side..


Jennifer Nash

Also visit me @

Monday, September 26, 2016

What You Should Know about Instagram as a Marketer

What You Should Know about Instagram as a Marketer

Do YOU use Instagram for Business or personal use?

Did you know that if you only use it for personal use,

you can cash in on using the social media platform??


Here is some awesome Instagram data Shared by my mentor that every marketer should know for business‼️

Sharing is caring .. passing on some value to you today!!

 #1 – 61% of Instagramers like at least 1 media/day and more than 30% like over 10 media/day

 #2 – 64% of Instagramers are women, 36% men. 73% of Instagramers are between 15 and 35 years old

 #3 – 70% of Instagramers have already taken part in a contest or might do so. 33% of them think that the easiest way to enter is to post on an official hashtag

 #4 – The peak of interactions on Instagram is between 8PM and 9PM. 30% of publications are done at the week-end

 #5 – On Instagram 53% of posts have at least one hashtag. 20% have more than 6 hashtags

 #6 – 70% of Instagramers have already looked for a brand on Instagram. 41% follow or would follow a brand to benefit from special offers

 #7 – 37% of Instagramers follow between 1 to 5 brand accounts. 32% of Instagramers follow more than 5 brand accounts

 #8 – 76% of Instagramers declare that receiving likes encourages them to publish more. 65% of users would feel flattered or honoured if a brand liked one of their post

 #9 – 48% of Instagramers are professionals. 46% of Instagramers have higher education degrees

 #10 – Top 3 reasons why users follow brands on Instagram: 62% because they love the brand, 54% to discover new things, 48% because they find content interesting or funny

 #11 – 84% of Instagramers like receiving likes on their publications 76% state that receiving likes on their posts encourages them to publish more

These are some of the reasons why I love working with Instagram and you should too...

connect with me or send me a pm  and i can share with you how to use Instagram for business to get leads and sales and grow your online business..

Find me @jnashonline instagram...



Wednesday, September 14, 2016

What To Post On Your Facebook Wall for Better Engagments and Sales

What To Post On Your Facebook Wall for Better Engagments and Sales

Are you having trouble getting engagement on
your Facebook wall?

Here I will go over the 10 things on 

In order to grow your fanbase or to spike interest
for others join you in business, you need to be
putting out great content, and a few others things
that will keep people checking out your page daily

I created a video explaining what 10 things you 
should be posting using to generate more 
leads to your wall

Get a pen and piece of paper handy
write them down.

Quick Tip:  If your page goes flat with no engagement.. Use trivia or
comedy to get them to interact again

Connect with me on facebook <<<<<

Enjoy !!!!



Wednesday, September 7, 2016



Many people struggle trying to find a MLM company or an Affiliate product that they can 
sell or make money from online.

I am here to share with you the simple thing that you need most in order to be successful with that..

You need a system that has a Platform that takes your leads through a complete funnel system

Make sure your offer has value and you can help your leads get the value and teach them how to use the platform for best success..

Remember  Lower cost items to join and earn from takes just as much work getting leads and sales as a higher cost item and higher earnings.. It will take you longer to scale your business and earn from a low cost item vs a high ticket offer.. Key thing.. make sure whatever you sell has VALUE...

I explain it best here

If you have been struggling and want to find out more about our Millionaire Mentoring,

please free to connect with me on facebook or email me direct at

I can teach you how to earn 1k per day and scale your business to the next level..

Hope this was helpful information..   My moto is to invest in yourself so you can then invest in others..

See you on the other side..

Jenn ;)

Friday, July 29, 2016

Online Marketing Basics for Achieving Results.

Online Marketing Basics for 
Achieving Results.

Have you been feeling frustrated with your marketing strategies?  Are you struggling to get leads and sales in your business?

Here are some simple tips that I want to share with you so you can start seeing results fast.

People overcomplicate things in their online marketing, what you should be focusing on Only in the beginning is this:
1. Get People To Your List (your autoresponder  or Facebook friends)
2. Make sure that your Facebook profile looks good, that you have good pictures of yourself, a good profile picture, a good cover pictures etc, DON'T HAVE YOUR BUSINESS as your profile picture or as your cover picture, because people wants to connect with you first ''people buy people'' SUPER IMPORTANT!
3. Start by posting  2-3 times a day now on Facebook, and only post valuable stuff that benefits your prospects for example private training or how to posts..
If you post non value such as random  videos etc less of your posts people will see, only around 7% of you Facebook list see's your posts and if you don't get any likes or comments on it then that post will disappear. And when you post TALK like a LEADER and ACT like a LEADER because people follows LEADERS so become one TODAY!!
4. Don't try to only do ''pitch post'' focus on giving people value ''good information'' ''videos where you shares stuff'' ''videos of yourself that lets people get to know the true YOU'' etc
5. Be yourself 100% and always try to improve yourself in terms of getting better at talking to the camera, writing better posts, getting better pictures etc.  People are attracted to others that are just like them.
6. It takes time to improve yourself and your online marketing, Remember YOU are your business, Always Brand yourself first!

Simple tip:  do a 30 to 90 day video challenge on your wall sharing value.. you will grow your audience faster.

If you are a complete newbie and need some step by step training with your online marketing strategies.. please visit or

Monday, July 18, 2016

Back To Basics Online Training [where the success begins]

Back To Basics Online Training [where the success begins]

Happy Monday..

I couldn't think of a better day to bring you value other than a MONDAY!     

So let me ask you? 

Are you marketing Blindly?  Have you taken the time out 
to learn how to market online the right way?

Did you know that there was such a thing?

I have to admit.. I struggled for a whole year.. Posting and posting
hours and hours in Facebook groups bothering friends and family
trying to get everyone I could to see my link in hopes that SOMEONE or ANYONE would click my link..

Does that sound familiar??

There is a better way...


I was introduced to a platform that taught me step by step
video by video what to do , how to do in in  a systematic way...

since that day, my life and my online business has changed 100%

I want you to see success so I am writing to share this simple system
with you today!!

Its called AWN!!!!  Automated Wealth Network  really did change my marketing and finances

I no longer guess or hope that I will get leads and sales.. I know exactly where 
they come from , how to get them and how to keep my members and team growing..

Do you want that?   You can do it too... I will show you how.

I am going to hand this off to Tim Chesonis... he is one of the Creators 
of this platform and is a 7 figure earner online and will explain how it works
and give you 100% complete value for your biz..

Inside is also a free course where you can learn how to scale up your biz
to 1000.00 a week if you just take action and learn today..



Connect with me if you have any questions..

I am here to support you and see you through to success for 

whatever you are promoting..

See you there!



Thursday, July 14, 2016

Getting Results and Never give up....

Getting Results and Never give up....

Today I posted a simple blurb about how I am getting results and how I can cash out on a regular basis

with just one of my income streams that I use online...

The responses shocked me... 

This is what I wrote.....

I don't usually like to post my income stream stuff online but I can not express how this one income stream is changing my life so drastically so fast... The best choice I have ever made was to work online from home.. I am just at the beginning.. Thanks to our awesome community they are all amazing ....
This is a true blessing.. changing my business and my family's life daily! This is only 2 days of letting it grow to cash out... Hard work pays... Keep pressing!!
If anyone is interested to find out how to do the same.. contact me..
its not hard...15 min per day!
Results not typical. This proof of income is not a guarantee you would earn the same, but would be possible to earn this and more with equal or greater strategy and work ethic.

This one simple post blew up my inbox and I was able to help so many others get started so they can see the same or even better results..

This is Traffic Monsoon

It is part of the funnels that I offer with the multiple streams or you can use it alone and advertise any business on this site and earn revenue shares...

Check it out HERE

I also offer a youtube playlist that will share free training how to use the site...

>>>>>> CLICK HERE  <<<<<<

this simple program is changing peoples lives.. including mine..

contact me for questions...

I am here to help you get started...

Monday, July 11, 2016

Building A Traffic Budget

Building A Traffic Budget

Are you working online and struggling to get leads?

Are you struggling with purchasing the amount of Traffic you need in order to receive sales?

So many people struggle with this and they just "DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY DON'T KNOW"

Today I am going to share with you the most simple strategy to be able to get traffic without spending money out of your pocket.. better yet.. you pay for your traffic packages with earnings ....

I am sure you wondering "what is she talking about?"... I am talking about building rev share earning and using the income earnings just for traffic so your business funds go directly into your pocket..

Here is How to Build a Traffic Budget video Watch Below!!!

As you can see just how easy it is to build an online traffic budget to receive leads and sales
weekly.. You just have to TAKE ACTION!!

List of  Rev shares I am currenty using to purchase traffic with.

Future ad pro: jlnash 
Traffic Monsoon
My paying ads:

Check out the Broke Mans plan here:

Please contact me for questions and get started today!

Don't pay for traffic out of pocket anymore..

You don't have to..



Thursday, July 7, 2016

Traffic Monsoon Users...**** NEW UPDATE MUST READ****

Traffic Monsoon Users...**** NEW UPDATE MUST READ**** From Charles Scoville Himself.....

Changes made immediatly.... Take action to ensure you earn your rev shares.....

 NOW.....Surfing only 50 MORE SECONDS per day
What this change will do to for YOU and Traffic Monsoon:
- Achieve Better Services
- Better Alexa Rank
- Help You Earn Even Better
- Increase Profit Margins In The Services We Offer
- Strengthen the Business
- Secure Long-Term Sustainability Due to Supply/Demand
- Deliver Visitors To Your Websites Faster
- Help you grow your Brand by reaching more of an audience
All that for LESS than 1 minute more of surfing!
How Will This Be Achieved?
Surfing only 50 MORE SECONDS per day !!!
- SURF 50 ADS (NOT 10)
- Reduce Surf to Earn Credits 2/3 For Paid Members
- Reduce Surf to Earn Credits 1/3 For Free Members
Think about it.
10 ads for 20 seconds each = 200 seconds
50 ads for 5 seconds each = 250 seconds
So in reality, the amount of time surfed to qualify in revenue sharing is only an additional 50 seconds than before.
As ALWAYS you can SURF unlimited sites to earn unlimited FREE advertising credits!
The goal of traffic monsoon services is to give advertisers exposure to their websites, and connect members with other member's offers. The goal also is to reward members who are actively clicking through the traffic exchange by sharing revenues.
What many have been seeing is that the Alexa rank has been dropping, and in addition, their ad credits aren't being used up as fast as they once did before.
I recognize that many people have left Traffic Monsoon because we've been placed into a position to part ways with PayPal, and funds are inside PayPal are temporarily held for 180 days. While this has had an impact on the number of people using Traffic Monsoon, we've definitely witnessed a steady amount of people beginning traffic monsoon and existing members continue to use Traffic Monsoon.
With the dropping Alexa rank, many have expressed the desire to see an increase to our Alexa, increase page views, increase traffic, deliver traffic faster, which in turn would result in increased demand upon our services -- To achieve this, I'm increasing the number of ads to view in a day to 50 ads instead of 10. BUT drop the time spent on each website to 5 seconds.
Why 50 ads in a day? Because with our current activity of members, not only will we see our Alexa rank increase, but also speed up the delivery of advertising service.
We'll also be reducing the credits to 2/3 credit when surfing for paid members, and 1/3 credit for free members. This way we place ourselves in a better supply/demand position and help use up advertiser credits faster.
This way our members ads are seen more, visitors are delivered sooner, and the desire to use our services can be felt and experienced through the whole of the industry; bringing our Alexa rank back up again!
Not only will it increase traffic, and our Alexa rank, but it will also help bring greater strength to the business as a whole.
Think about it. 10 ads for 20 seconds each = 200 seconds. 50 ads for 5 seconds each = 250 seconds. So in reality, the amount of time surfed is only an additional 50 seconds than before.
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How a simple online tool can change your Business forever!!

How a simple online tool can change your Business forever!!

100 Ad Packs = $100 per day.... YOU CAN DO THIS TOO... ITS SO EASY!!

So this morning I want to share with you a simple strategy that I have been 

using for the past few months..

This strategy PAYS for my traffic to any of my opps and Pays me daily at any time I want to 

cash out...

I am now up to $100.00 per day in this ONE stream of income ... 

I want to share with you how it works...

I started out with 1 simple payment of $50 for an ad pack

I advertise my link to my opp on the site and they pay me for doing so.

I click 10 ads per day to qualify for daily payment .. takes me literally 5 min per day!

as my earnings grow daily , once I reach 50.00 I repurchase a pack and grow the account

The more ad packs you grow to .. the more you make daily..  average 1.20 per day per pack...

Grow your account to 50 packs and use the funds to pay for your traffic, cash out or grow higher

in the company.. the choice is up to you .. Use it for vacation if you want...



Get started Today!   HERE 

This is so simple my 10 yr old can do this...

I have training how to set up the site and get started here.. a whole training series just for 

Check out my simple value packed blog here

Start with " The Broke Man's plan"

Just start!!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The Yellow Brick Road Review - What is the Yellow Brick Road?

The Yellow Brick Road Review - What is the Yellow Brick Road?

What is The Yellow Brick Road 3.0?

Click here to join

The Yellow Brick Road Explained

The Yellow brick Road  is an online Multiple Streams of Income sales funnel that is connected with a share code inside of The Power Lead System.

This funnel allows anyone who is a current Gold Member of The Power Lead system to copy and 
paste our share code inside of PLS and it will generate a multiple stream of income funnel automatically along with connected autoresponders and a choice of pre made  lead capture pages.

All of the work is done for you ... but  order to use this system you must be a Gold Member in The Power Lead System.

This system includes these Multiple Streams of Income

1.FutureAdpro - Rev share Advertising platform that pays out hourly and daily by clicking
    10 ads per day $10 ad packs or $50
2. The Power Lead System
3. - Traffic Generation source

Optional Streams Income -  Make sure you ad this into your funnel...*** Important***

EXITUS  -Online Marketing platform that teaches the absolute beginner marketer to become and advanced 6 figure earner.. all you have to do is take action. 

In order to join Exitus you must pay a $299 per year membership fee or a $99 quarterly fee..

4. Exitus Advanced -  $99 membership fee quarterly and one time $100 to earn $100 per sale direct into your bank.

5, Exitus ELITE-  $299 membership fee $1,000 to join earning 1k per sale immediatly  INCLUDES MILLIONAIRE MENTORING (Black Ops Millionaire Mentoring by Darren little)

AWN also offers affiliate earnings if you would like to earn an income from sharing the platform with others

*****They offer their very own YBR Traffic site where you can order any amount of Traffic packages to get you started with real quality traffic

*****Also Yellow Brick Road Facebook group where you can meet other ybr members and ask 
questions.. inside of that is a files section where you can get some inside tips and info to maximize your earnings..


Game changer ----  Search engine optimization training for your blogs and Youtube videos
along with 
Resources Area - Includes Custom banners for YBR to place on all your social media and rev share sites.. Tutorials, and hangout instructions so you can share The Yellow Brick Road Hangouts with your personalized link attached...

You can check out these systems and how they work in the tabs above on this  site.

To join the funnel you can follow this link >>>>  Click HERE <<<< to get set up instructions and better yet... how and where to buy traffic to get sales almost immediately

Earn from these multiple streams of income..

Get started Today!  

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

My 10 Daily Activities I do as a Marketer

My 10 Daily Activities I do as a Marketer

Do you ever wonder what activities does an online marketer do during the
day to generate success?

Sharing the daily strategies that I do personally to generate leads and sales online.

You will see just how simple it is ... Anyone can do it.

1. Beginning of the day...  I start with Mindset                      

It is so important for someone that works from home to re-evaluate daily what they are working towards.. their wants and ambitions what are their goals and how are they going to get there.

So I wake up.. have my coffee and sit with my goals for that day.

2.  I exercise -  I either get on my treadmill or lift weights -  This helps me stay healthy clear the mind and get me energized for the day.. 

3. I personally belong to rev share companies where I have to click ads per day to earn my shares.. so I do that.

4. I write a blog post daily or every other day and share on all social media

5.  I create a video every day or every other day that will help others with questions or training.

6.  I ad content to my pages in my blog if I did more valuable training.

7.  I check my emails and answer posts on my social media accounts. and answer emails ,, schedule appointments for one day a week for new members or private training calls.

8. I check my email autoresponders to make sure my funnels are working properly  

9.   I  Buy Traffic.  *** Important***  You must keep traffic coming to your opportunity as often as possible.  Once one traffic run is done, I try to order another one.
(I have traffic tips and suggestions coming soon here)

10.  I enjoy my family and activities for the rest of the day!

Most of my work takes about an hour or two at the most per day!  If you want to learn what funnels I am using and the strategies I use to get these things done.. 

check out my website at

Contact me in the connect with me sections for questions..

I am here to help.



Monday, June 27, 2016

Traffic Monsoon / Broke mans plan to 10 ad packs fast

Traffic Monsoon / Broke mans plan to 10 ad packs fast

Are you following the Broke Mans Plan By Rob Fraser?

Do you know what the Broke Mans Plan is??

What is the broke Mans Plan and how it work.. click here

I am here to help you all understand the broke mans plan and how it works.

I have had many members wanting to get started but not sure about how or how to actually 

reach their goals to the first 10 packs without hesitation or struggle.

I have created a breakdown for all of you and my member to follow..

I am hoping this will help you all get started in whatever online opportunity your are offering.

Once you get to the MAGIC 10 .. you won't have to take out of your pocket anymore.

Here is a quick overview video on  

Broke Mans Plan to 10 Ad packs Fast....Explained.

Once you get a great understanding how it all works.. go HERE

to get started!!

This will help you with ANY online opportunity you are offering.  It will help you earn from 
rev shares so you will NEVER have to pay for traffic packages out of pocket again.

Please contact me  HERE for questions..

I am here to help.

All the best ,

Jennifer :)