About Jennifer Nash

Welcome To My Webpage.......

I want to personally give you a warm welcome to my online making money from home training site.

I will share with you the multiple streams of income that I use to make money online and will also introduce you to the systems that taught me what I know that got me to where I am today.

Everything is here on my blog.. Strategies.. step by step processes and training provided
what I do on a daily basis to be successful online.

Who am I?

I am currently a stay at home mom / Entrepreneur.  I love helping others succeed online.

I started my online journey when my kids got old enough to be slightly independent and it was time
for me to contribute financially to our family.

The last thing I wanted to do was to work outside of my home full time.  Before children, I was a  successful licensed Beautician but I worked long hours on my feet all day including many weekends.

I was not willing to give up my afternoons with my kids after school and weekend away from my kids and husband so I began to seek out an online journey "Searching for a better way"

Sound Familiar??

Since that day about 5 years ago.. I have since learned the ins and outs of marketing and I have been able to pay for our family vacations and pay off some long overdue debt that our family had stacked up trying to make ends meet from time to time.

I started out slow and invested in educating myself from the beginning.... (MOST IMPORTANT)

The Exact Training Platform that I used to learn marketing and I still use it today and so does my team  Click here to get started Today!  This system has changed my life!!!!!

I can tell you ,  if you have a dream and you want it bad enough you will make it happen.

The most valuable thing I tell others on what to do is... T-A-K-E  A-C-T-I-O-N.

Be a sponge and listen to the other Entrepreneurs that are doing what you want.

The have the answers.....

Now I have created this website to help others and get them started because I know firsthand the struggle to get going.

My Why?

This image at the top of this screen is my Why...  Not much to say other than this...my kids.. Hunter , Chase and Riley and my Husband  Steve.

Experiences in this business.......

This is a picture of me meeting the "Sir Richard Branson"  in Los Angeles.  I was fortunate to meet him and since that day he had inspired me to start my own business online from home so I could fulfill my dreams of being home with my kids...

You can have this too.. Follow your dreams.. and take action..

I am here to help you and guide you through your online process..

Contact me for questions...

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