Monday, September 26, 2016

What You Should Know about Instagram as a Marketer

What You Should Know about Instagram as a Marketer

Do YOU use Instagram for Business or personal use?

Did you know that if you only use it for personal use,

you can cash in on using the social media platform??


Here is some awesome Instagram data Shared by my mentor that every marketer should know for business‼️

Sharing is caring .. passing on some value to you today!!

 #1 – 61% of Instagramers like at least 1 media/day and more than 30% like over 10 media/day

 #2 – 64% of Instagramers are women, 36% men. 73% of Instagramers are between 15 and 35 years old

 #3 – 70% of Instagramers have already taken part in a contest or might do so. 33% of them think that the easiest way to enter is to post on an official hashtag

 #4 – The peak of interactions on Instagram is between 8PM and 9PM. 30% of publications are done at the week-end

 #5 – On Instagram 53% of posts have at least one hashtag. 20% have more than 6 hashtags

 #6 – 70% of Instagramers have already looked for a brand on Instagram. 41% follow or would follow a brand to benefit from special offers

 #7 – 37% of Instagramers follow between 1 to 5 brand accounts. 32% of Instagramers follow more than 5 brand accounts

 #8 – 76% of Instagramers declare that receiving likes encourages them to publish more. 65% of users would feel flattered or honoured if a brand liked one of their post

 #9 – 48% of Instagramers are professionals. 46% of Instagramers have higher education degrees

 #10 – Top 3 reasons why users follow brands on Instagram: 62% because they love the brand, 54% to discover new things, 48% because they find content interesting or funny

 #11 – 84% of Instagramers like receiving likes on their publications 76% state that receiving likes on their posts encourages them to publish more

These are some of the reasons why I love working with Instagram and you should too...

connect with me or send me a pm  and i can share with you how to use Instagram for business to get leads and sales and grow your online business..

Find me @jnashonline instagram...



Wednesday, September 14, 2016

What To Post On Your Facebook Wall for Better Engagments and Sales

What To Post On Your Facebook Wall for Better Engagments and Sales

Are you having trouble getting engagement on
your Facebook wall?

Here I will go over the 10 things on 

In order to grow your fanbase or to spike interest
for others join you in business, you need to be
putting out great content, and a few others things
that will keep people checking out your page daily

I created a video explaining what 10 things you 
should be posting using to generate more 
leads to your wall

Get a pen and piece of paper handy
write them down.

Quick Tip:  If your page goes flat with no engagement.. Use trivia or
comedy to get them to interact again

Connect with me on facebook <<<<<

Enjoy !!!!



Wednesday, September 7, 2016



Many people struggle trying to find a MLM company or an Affiliate product that they can 
sell or make money from online.

I am here to share with you the simple thing that you need most in order to be successful with that..

You need a system that has a Platform that takes your leads through a complete funnel system

Make sure your offer has value and you can help your leads get the value and teach them how to use the platform for best success..

Remember  Lower cost items to join and earn from takes just as much work getting leads and sales as a higher cost item and higher earnings.. It will take you longer to scale your business and earn from a low cost item vs a high ticket offer.. Key thing.. make sure whatever you sell has VALUE...

I explain it best here

If you have been struggling and want to find out more about our Millionaire Mentoring,

please free to connect with me on facebook or email me direct at

I can teach you how to earn 1k per day and scale your business to the next level..

Hope this was helpful information..   My moto is to invest in yourself so you can then invest in others..

See you on the other side..

Jenn ;)